Xenomorphic Tales

Back From Hell
Fan Art

Princess of Alderaan
Apparently Leia's infamous golden bikini was inspired by Frank Frazetta's Egyptian Queen. So I thought it might be fun to bring the reference full circle and kick two tribute's of my bucket list along the way (being Star Wars and Frazetta). Hence my "Princess of Alderaan".

Fatal Attraction
Other possible titles were: boobs and bones or peculiar vantage points. But I like Fatal Attraction because it sounds like a 90ies flick and casts a thin veil of ambiguity as well.

ARAWN tribute
The first time I read Arawn, it knocked me off my feet, and it has been kicking me down ever since. Therefore, a little tribute to the fantastic creation of Sebastien Grenier and Ronan Le Breton.
More about it here:
All characters property of their respective owners.

FIRE AND ICE tribute
A long overdue tribute to the 80ies fantasy movie Fire and Ice. Being the first adult animation I ever saw, it pretty much blew open my childhood. At the time, I wasn't even aware of all the awesome people who were behind it but in the movie, I found everything I was looking for:
- barbarians
- princess Teegra
- necromancers
- dinosaurs
- a giant octopus
- hooded henchmen
- an axed batman
- a lot of lava
- a skull in some way or another in about 83% of the frames
- princes Teegra
- dragonhawks (which truth be told, look like regular pterodactyls, but I suppose they ran out of budget)

THORGAL heroes and villains
Because there could never, ever, be enough Thorgal fan art.
Dedicated to the fantastic creation of Jean Van Hamme and Grzegorz RosiĆski


Lady Of The Lake

Tried to do something different here.
All characters property of their respective owners.

Pole Tricks posters
Some artwork I made for my girlfriend's Pole Dance school.